Maximum Ride

Max Ride. Great books. You guys and girls out there should read them. They fly. Literally. My favorite character's name is Fang. Cool name huh? Yeah... I like him for more than his name, though. He's one of those strong and silent types. He has black wings, He also has a very good freindship with the main character whose name is Max. Maximum Ride, actually. She is a girl about fourteen years of age. Fang's fourteen too. Max is the oldest, (Fang is second oldest) and Angel, at six is the youngest. They have a pretty hard life. I mean, They were genetically engeneered so that they have wings, They have almost no money, for six kids (and let's not forget the mutant talking dog who goes by "Total") to live off of, and they are on the run from erasers chasing them night and day! And that's not all, but I can't say much more about them right now. Oh yeah, the erasers. They've got the whole DNA mix thing going on, exept they are crossed with wolves, not birds like Max and friends. And as an added bonus, they're adults which means they are stronger than the bird-kids. Plus, they're evil. Nice combination right? One more thing, the bird-kids do have arms AND wings. My dad thought that when they had to fight erasers, they punched with fists on the ends of their wings. Yeah. Right. That's not true. It's a myth!


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