Poetry is a way to enjoy the world.(or escape , depending on how you look at it)

Heart's Blood

Maiden, with fair skin,
Hair black as night
Belly heavy with child.
Running, Running
From dragon black as coal.
Hiding, Hiding
In roses, dead
and white
Maiden pricks her finger,
On rose thorn, dead and dry.
Heart's blood spills
as Dragon burns the world.
Burns with flame white hot
Dragon leaves the world black.
Black and burnt.
Dragon's lair awaits him.
Heart's blood falls,
On roses dead and white.
The roses live.
Roses once dead
and white
are now red.
Red with heart's blood.
Dragon feeling life elsewhere,
turns away from lair,
cold as death.
Heading to the place where,
Roses red with blood,
And Maiden,
Fair and good,
Still live.
Roses red with heart's blood
protect Maiden
Sweet and still strong
For her child.
Dragon's fire has no effect
on heart's blood shield.
Eternities later,
Maiden dies,
Of old age,
still unaffected
by Dragon's flame.
Roses live on,
Sheltering Maiden's daughter
from harm.
Black Dragon
still can not fathom
The protection
Heart's blood gives.

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