Bonus pack! Good book or not? (Parts one through five)

O.K. I've done some fixing of the story. Now with more detail. So this is chapters one through five, the new one's on the bottom. I'm currently working on capters six through ten. Editing, ya know? So, anyway, here it is.

Hi. My name is Kay. I have black, waist length hair, sapphire eyes, and no shortage of negativity. I kind of wish that I could change that. The negativity, I mean. I've never written a book before, so I'll just do the best I can. And you'll just have to deal. Yeah, I know that's not the best way to get anyone to read further, but, see, I know you will, anyway. So, my friends and me, we’re orphans. All of us. And we all have some kind of like, “super brain”, or something. Look, I’ll explain it the best that I can, O.K.? So, here goes: Well, Me, Shadow, Jay, Dee, and Karma lived in an orphanage. For our first three years. Then we got adopted. Good? No it’s not good, because, see, the people who adopted us, they all had one thing in common: They were from the Center of Neurology. Yeah, I know it’s a slightly cheesy name, but, I didn’t make it up.
You connected this to the whole “super brain” thing yet? Well, they took all of us to the Center. The guys there did some brain surgery on us that resulted in different levels of psychic abilities. My personal ability is seeing into the future. That’s how I know you’ll keep reading. They did the surgery when we were each four. That way our brains would continue to develop with the surgery. Meaning that we would not be severely whacked-out in the head, and we could try to live normally. Not that those nut job “doctors” cared if we were normal. Then, when I was thirteen, Shadow and I decided that we were gonna break out. We managed to get a couple others out, too. Long story short, we ran around, broke some stuff, and managed to make it out a first story window. My friends and I made it to an abandoned rail-way. About twenty – five miles away from civilization. Not a million. Just saying. We’ve been living there for a couple of years now.
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I’m crazy. Sometimes I wonder about my sanity, too. So, listen closely. I’m psychic. Sometimes, I wish I wasn’t. Yes, I can see into the future. No, I can’t read minds. Yes, I’m big on sarcasm. No, I don’t have a choice when I get these, “visions”.
So you want to know why sometimes I don’t like being psychic? Well, you’ll find out later. Right now though, it was pretty dang useful. For more reasons than one.
“Shadow!?” “What?” the tall dark eyed, black haired boy next to me asked. The kid standing next to me? His name is Shadow. Shadow is not his birth name, obviously. Once he was… seven, I think, Shadow changed his name to one he liked. Shadow can turn invisible. It has something to do with “molecular enhancement” according to the freaks that made him this way.
Yes, I know it sounds like I’m writing comic book scripts. But I’m not. How do you know I’m telling the truth? You don’t, you just trust me to tell it.
Our house borders a forest. A convenient escape route. Shadow and I were sitting next to each other on a shredded up old blue couch we’d found in a dump, in a broken down rusted train caboose, or whatever part of the train. Hey, I never said I was an expert on trains. The parts of the train were connected, so it was like having a really long house. We used floor to ceiling curtains as room separators. It is nice to have privacy, even from your friends. And sometimes, especially from your friends. We each actually even had our own rooms, with things we liked in them. I had mostly books I’d found when people threw them away, or lost them, or something like that. We have beds, and heaters, blankets. Things like that. Because having a heater is pretty much mandatory here in… well never mind where “here” is. But anyway it gets very cold here in the winter, and as you can imagine, trains don’t have much insulation. We had gotten most of our furniture from the dump, ‘cause most people are gonna say something when a couple of kids walk into the store, and ask to see the couches, or chairs, or whatever.
“What, Kay?” Shadow asked again, calmly.
I paused. “Uh…”
Shadow and I were the same age, fifteen, I mean, we were born on the same day and everything. Go figure. Shadow was taller than me by a few inches. And much stronger. I’m not exactly short, I’m five- four, I think. I mean I don’t really measure myself every day. I’ve got enough trouble to deal with.
“Um… oh… well… I… uh…”
How embarrassing. I never stutter.
“We should go to the mall!” I finally blurted out.
Not exactly what I meant to say.
“The mall,” Shadow almost cracked a smile.
I relaxed, slightly. “Yeah,” I said.
“Kay, we’re a million miles away from every where, except this stupid railway, so how about you tell me what you really were going to say.”
I opened my mouth to say… something, but then my world started to spin and all went blank. I slid down onto the floor, feeling the rough fabric of the couch on my back, as my eyes rolled back. I was having a vision.

I opened my eyes “Ah! Shadow!”
“Yeah?” asked Shadow, looking at me warily.
He was kneeling on the floor next to me. Shadow knew about my visions, of course. “Get the others!”
It was still early morning, so most of the group was asleep. Shadow watched me for a second more, then sighed, got up, and headed off to get Jay, Dee, and Karma. “Hurry!” I called after him.
I began to toss some dried and canned food into one pack. I’d take this pack because it would be pretty heavy, having cans in it. I filled it about half way up with food, then, I shoved a couple of blankets in the space that was left.
When Shadow came back, he had several really sleepy kids in tow. Jay, at seven, was the youngest in our little group. Jay whistled quietly, and a bright red bird flew in through the window, and landed on top of his head, on Jay’s reddish hair. It wasn’t really a window, I guess. It was a kind of hole we’d purposefully knocked in the rusty wall, so we could have some day light once in a while. But anyway, his face lit up like a Christmas tree. It always made him so happy to talk to his birds. Jay’s power is extremely confusing. I don’t fully understand it, but, hey, it works, so no one’s complaining.
Karma is nine, going on twenty five: she thinks she knows everything. She’s tall for her age, and has blonde hair, and these extremely pretty blue eyes. When you see her you automatically assume she is harmless. Then you learn more about her…
Karma’s, well, she’s somthin’ else. If she touches someone, she can see into their future, but only once. Like, if she touches you fifty times she’ll only be able to use her power once. And she only sees the best and worst things that will ever happen to you. She can prevent it, if she wants to. But Karma also sees the whole picture. Like how it would affect other people if she stopped something from happening to someone. So, sometimes she doesn’t mess with anything. Sometimes she does. That’s why she named herself “Karma”.
Dee is twelve. She’s very calm, for a twelve-year-old. It’s probably because she’s Shadow’s little sister. You never know. She has black hair, a shade lighter than Shadow’s, and dark skin like him. One difference in their looks, though, is that Shadow looks as dangerous as he is. Dee doesn’t look dangerous, she just is. Dee does not look very strong, but don’t under estimate her. It could be the last thing you ever do. Dee doesn’t like her “gift”. It makes her feel strange. She says that maybe mind reading is cute when you’re like, under ten. But not when you’re older. She can’t block out her ability or anything, but it’s not like she doesn’t try. She also says that when she reads your thoughts, she doesn’t hear it in her mind. She sees it. Like the text in a book, only, kind of on the back of her eyelids.
“So, now will you tell us what’s goin’ on?”
Karma asked Shadow sleepily. Shadow looked at me.
“I’ll leave this one to you.” He said.
I rolled my eyes at him, “They’re coming,” I said “Help me pack.”
Nobody asked me who. They just went and got all their stuff.

By “They” I, of course, mean the scientists from the Center.
Just an FYI, ya know?
I kept shoving things into a couple of old backpacks.
“Why didn’t you say that right away?” asked Shadow.
“Because,” I answered as I took an old tattered bear from Jay and stuffed it into his pack.
“Be careful with Teddy!” said Jay.
“I will,” I said as soothingly as I found possible right then.
Shadow coughed loudly. “Hello? Will you answer me?”
I sighed, “I can’t -”
Just then Karma started crying.
“Look, Shadow, everything’s chaos right now. Will you keep packing while I take care of Karma?”
Shadow gave me a look that said “I’m not done yet,”
“Yeah,” he answered reluctantly.
I got up and ran to Karma. “Are you okay, sweetie?” I asked.
“No,” sniffled Karma.
I sighed, “Why not?” I asked
“Because I can’t find Princess!”
Princess is a kitten we found a few weeks ago, and since Karma found her, she got to name her. Hey, it was either that or “Fluffy”! I mean, at least “Princess” is slightly imaginative.
“I’m sorry, Karma, but if we can’t find her we have to leave her here-”
I was cut off by a barrage of wailing
“We can’t leave her here!” Karma cried, “She’ll diieee!”
Karma’s already high pitched voice got even higher and louder in distress.
I put my hand over her mouth.
“Shhhh!” I warned, “We can’t be heard!”
Karma continued her wailing.
Now, you might be thinking that I have no empathy. I do. It’s just; I value our lives more than that of a cat.
“Do you want Them to find us?!” I hissed
“She won’t die,” Shadow said from beside me.
I almost had a heart attack.
“Who else?” he asked.
“I- never mind!” I snapped. My nerves were more than slightly frazzled.
Shadow wasn’t offended by my attitude. He just went on speaking to Karma
“She won’t die,” he repeated. “Her mother is still here,”
“Really?” asked Karma,
“Yeah, I saw her yesterday.”
“Good,” said Karma sadly. She wasn’t happy about leaving Princess behind, but at least her cat wasn’t going to die.
“Karma, you should get your sweater,” I told her trying to take her mind off Princess.
“But it’s itchy!” She complained
“I know, but it’s also the warmest thing you have.”
And winter’s almost here, I added silently. What were we going to do if it snowed?
Karma sighed “Okay,”
She got up to get it.
“Did you really see the mother?” I asked Shadow from behind my hand.
He shrugged. “No, It won’t hurt to tell her that I did, though,” he whispered back.
“You lied?” I asked him in mock astonishment.
“I lied,” He confirmed, playfully punching my shoulder.
“Well, I-” I began only to be interrupted by a loud crash.
“Ah!” I jumped, “What the-”
“Look,” Shadow cut me off. “Over there,” he added, raising his arm.
I turned to look out a window, and saw a big, greenish brown helicopter heading near to were we were hidden. Too close.
“Chopper!” I yelled “Run!”

* * *

I saw everyone scrabbling around, grabbing their backpacks, out of the corner of my eye. I kept watching the copter, making sure that it never left my sight.
I saw it prepare to land, about a half mile away.
“We’re ready!” Shadow shouted over the noise of the helicopter.
“All right! Let’s split!” I called back to him.
I ran and snatched up Jay as I went, swinging him around onto my back, so he was hanging on my shoulders. He was fast, but not fast enough to keep up with us.
He protested, “Hey!”
But I ignored him. I needed to focus on running. If I took a spill… I decided not to finish that thought. I watched as Shadow grabbed two of the backpacks, his and mine, ‘cause I couldn’t put mine on while I was carrying Jay. Karma was still holding her striped sweater, running at full speed into the forest. She ducked and pushed away a branch. She had her backpack on. Dee wasn’t holding anything except her backpack and a strange bundle wrapped in blueish purple hand towels that I couldn’t make out. Shadow was a little bit behind me, slowed down by my backpack. His and mine were the heaviest, I’d made sure that the smaller ones had less weight to bear.
“You okay?!” I yelled over my shoulder.
Shadow glanced up at me, but he didn’t spare his breath answering.
I looked ahead with concern at Dee. She was doing good. They were all doing pretty well, I confirmed, glancing around at everyone else.
I kept running. Faster! Faster! I urged silently.
At least we’re getting out of sight. I thought to myself as I watched the chopper slow and spin a 360. Looking for us, I realized grimly.
I felt a burst of fire screaming up my leg muscles, but I ignored it, I had more important things to worry about than how sore I was gonna be tomorrow. Jay was getting heavier by the second.
Dee’s bundle was moving slightly, one of the towels had slipped, and I could see black hair poking out of a hole in the towels. She had a determined look on her face. She was not going to drop that bundle of towels. I drew in a sharp intake of breath as I realized what Dee was carrying. I was going to shout up at her to lose it, and quickly, but she yelled back to me over her shoulder.
“I’m not going to lose it!”
Apparently, it comes in handy, being able to read minds.
My long hair was seriously getting in my way. I was spitting strands out left and right, and blowing them away from my eyes. I made a mental note to cut it shorter when we got… where ever we were going to sleep that night.
The noise of the helicopter was fading, slowly, but fading all the same.
My legs didn’t hurt anymore; in fact, I couldn’t really feel them at all. If I could have, I supposed they’d feel like Jell-o, or something else real wobbly.
We were far enough away that I could set Jay down. I did and he immediately started running, he was faster than me now that I was tiered. He sped up and was able to level off with Karma. She was running about ten feet behind Dee, and I was running a couple feet behind her. Shadow was next to me, on my right. I ran closer to him and held out my hand for my pack so he wouldn’t have to carry it any more. He tossed it to me, and I caught it. We kept running due east, towards the rising sun, still less than half way up. I realized something was different, even as I was running at my top speed.
Shadow figured it out first. “I can’t hear the chopper anymore,”
“Right,” I answered.
“It must have landed,” he said “Or flown away,” Shadow added, optimistically.
Keep running! Go! I ground that into my mind, so I thought of nothing else.
The five of us went on for another ten minutes or so.
In the back of my mind I was proud. Talk about stamina! We’d been running for almost fifteen minutes now. And I thought I was out of shape!
“We should slow down for now,” Shadow said quietly.
He was tired, we all were. We’d be better, and more able to run after some rest.
“You’re right. We should stop however much I so do not want to.” I managed to gasp out.
“Slow up!” Shadow called ahead to the other three.
The five of us slowed and sank to our knees. Relieved to have some rest, I laughed to myself. I felt my legs start to tingle, and after about fifteen minutes the screaming pain returned. It felt good to sit there, though, however much pain I was in. I felt myself getting dizzy and lightheaded. The last thought in my head that I clearly remember was about wolves. Yeah, strange, I know. More specifically it was how they took down their prey, sometimes. By running it until it suffocated, chasing it down until it couldn’t breathe anymore. And then… then the wolves would go for the throat. The fatal bite. And the deer, or antelope or whatever it was would feel death coming for it at last.


When I next opened my eyes, I knew something was very wrong. Shadow was the only one I could see. He was holding a knife out in a defensive position. He had his eyes on something I couldn’t see. I was lying there on my back in the dirt and moldy leaves. I was on my feet in a flash.
“Climb a tree. Slowly and carefully,” Shadow instructed
Where was everyone else?
“Where-” I began.
Shadow cut me off, “Up in those trees,” he gestured skyward
I glanced up and saw Karma in the tree directly above me. Her eyes were wide, looking at me. Dee and Jay were in the same tree. Jay was hanging onto Dee’s shoulders; he looked like he was terrified. Dee’s normally dark face was pale. They all looked scared.
“Why are they so freaked out?” I asked tersely
“Look around you,” he answered
His eyes never left… whatever it was he was looking at. I did look around. I couldn’t see anything unusual.
“That’s not important right now,” I said “I had a vision! We’re about to be attacked by wolves!”
“Really? I hadn’t noticed,” Shadow snapped back sarcastically
“You mean…”
“Yes,” Shadow hissed quietly
Now that I looked closer there was something different.
Glowing yellow-green eyes, half hidden in the trees.
I swore.
Shadow glanced at me, taking his eyes off the wolf for the first time.
I had something extremely important to say. “Uh…”
“Climb. A. Tree. Now!” Shadow answered.
Oh. Duh. I should have done that when he said everyone else was in a tree.
I started to turn.
“Slowly,” Shadow reminded me.
“What about you?” I asked him
“I’ll be there when you are,” he said.
I could hear panic threatening to burst out of him at every word.
I opened my mouth.
“Go!” Shadow said without looking at me
This exchange took about thirty seconds, total.
I turned and fled up into the nearest tree, finding pretty good handholds in the rough bark. It was still the hardest thing, physically, that I’d ever done
I watched as Shadow turned and climbed a tree, still holding out his knife. He was faster than I expected.
Then I saw something that made my heart stop.
A wolf, a big furry brute with gleaming canines, leaped for Shadow.
“Shadow!” I screamed in horror.

* * *

I watched helplessly, as Shadow tried to fend off the wolf. He swiped at it with his knife.
The knife connected with animal. It shaved off about an inch of hair, but not much else.
What could I do! What could I do! I was stuck in a tree, and he was facing a rabid wolf, because he’d stayed on ground level to protect me!
“Your power!” I yelled, although it came out as more of a squeak because I was so freaked out.
Shadow heard, though, and he immediately began to fade from my sight.
I held my breath, and shut my eyes, feeling hopelessness seep into ever fiber in my being.
Shadow… what would I do if the worst had happened?
He might have gotten away, though, I thought, to tear my brain from that mind blowing thought. I mean, I’d lived with him for practically my whole life!
I opened my eyes slowly and glanced around at Dee, and the rest of them. To make sure that they, at least, were alright. Dee was even paler than she had been a minute ago. She was staring fixedly at the last spot Shadow had been visible. I closed my eyes again, and felt the tears start to come. I held them in as much as I could.
I felt something watching me, and my eyes snapped open as I turned, ready to fight whatever it was.
I had my third huge shock of the morning.
Shadow was sitting about an arm’s length away, on a slightly higher branch.
“Shadow!” I yelped, “You’re okay!”
I wanted to hug him, but I couldn’t risk it; he was too far away. I’d wait.
“Yeah, I guess…” his voice trailed off
I looked him over; he looked bad. His jeans were shredded from the knee down, with this large cut from the back of his knee, to his ankle. It seemed pretty nasty and painful. And deep. And he was kind of woozy, I think, like how you get when your blood sugar gets too high, or something.
“How’d you get up here like that?” I asked, pointing to his leg. “I barely got up here, and I wasn’t injured at all!”
“Adrenaline,” he answered, then grinned weakly “Normally I can’t climb at all,”
I could hear relived laughter coming from Dee. Jay was hanging onto her still, his face white. Dee tried to loosen Jay’s grip on her neck. He’d most likely been nearly choking her, but neither of them had noticed, because of Shadow. Jay moved until his arms were around her shoulders.
The wolf was still pacing around the tree, at the base of the trunk.
I could see carefully suppressed rage, and fear when Shadow looked at the wolf.
“It’s just his job; he can’t help being a wolf,” I told him quietly.
“I know,” Shadow said tightly “But I can’t help being angry when I look at that… animal,”
“Me neither, what he did to you,” I said
We were silent for a while.
“Why was he alone anyway?” Shadow asked “Don’t wolves usually hunt in packs?”
“Maybe he’s a ’lone wolf’” I joked.
“Actually, I think he had rabies” said Karma.
“It’s a disease that animals get sometimes.”
I kept watching Shadow for a minute, then I turned away to look towards the others.
I called to everyone.
“We’re gonna sleep up here tonight, If the wolf doesn’t leave. Got it?”
I got a couple of tired nods, but that was about it.
Shadow bandaged his own leg, even though I begged him to rest, and let me do it for him. He made his spot as cozy as he could under the circumstances.
I tossed a blanket up to Shadow, out of my backpack.
Then I laughed. With absolutely no humor.
“What?” Shadow asked
“Nothing, it’s just that, we haven’t even had breakfast yet. We’ve been forced away from our home, we’ve rushed through the woods, we got about a mile in, and then I had my second vision of the day, we got attacked by wolves, and you got badly injured! And it’s not even noon! I mean, what else could possibly happen today!?”
Shadow lay down on the tree branch, and closed his eyes.
“We could fall out of the tree, and be killed, either by the wolf if he hasn’t left yet, or by the fall that could very likely break every single bone in our bodies. Twice,”
He answered flatly.
“Thanks,” I said, and gave another humorless laugh, “But that was rhetorical,”
“I know,” he said
We talked about a lot of stuff since we were pretty much stuck up there all day. It was mostly pointless jabber to pass the time. We fell asleep a couple of times, I think. I really only remember the before mentioned conversation, and what Shadow and I said to each other before we fell asleep for the night.
The sun was just beginning to set, and the sky looked all purpley and kind of pinkish. It was really pretty. We wouldn’t have even seen it if not for that wolf. But still, I’m never again voluntarily sleeping in a tree. And I’ll never think of wolves in the same way. Like, even half way cute.
Shadow had just lain down.
“I’m --” I began
Shadow sat up again and looked at me tiredly.
“Gonna shut up now,” I finished
“That’s not what you were going to say,” he said “But thanks,”
“No problem,” I said
I glanced around once more, to make sure that no one was going to fall out of their trees.
Then I lay down and covered myself with a blanket.
At least it wasn’t winter yet.
“Good night,”


I startled out of sleep. I’d had a bad dream. Something to do with wolves, I think.
Gee, I wonder why. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, my blanket falling to my waist. I pulled it up to my chest again. Brr. Shadow was lying a few feet away, curled around his pack to get the maximum body heat he could. I bet his leg was hurting him, but his face was inscrutable, even in sleep. Dee was next to Shadow, her back rounding into him. Her hair was blowing across her face, making her look almost majestic. Karma was lying on a branch a couple feet away, she didn’t look too happy. Her face was twitching, like she was having a bad dream. Jay was next to me, curled up like a puppy. His hair was blowing around, and he shivered, pulling his blanket over his head. I sighed.
I have to help them, I want to help them, they need me. Well, if anything happened to me, Shadow would be a good leader. I know he would. And I hope-
Shadow sat up then, and shook his head, interrupting my thoughts. I watched him as he turned to look at me.
“Bad dream?” he asked
I nodded silently. He moved over next to me, careful not to disturb Dee.
“Me, too” He said quietly
I was vaguely surprised that he had told me. We leaned on each other, and I asked him something I had been wondering about lately.
“You’d stay, wouldn’t you?” I asked
He looked at me questioningly.
“If anything happened to me, you’d stay to protect them, wouldn’t you?” I asked again
His face relaxed.
“Of course I would,” he answered “But nothing will happen to you while you’ve got us,”
I smiled, not quite sure if his answer made me any less confused.
We sat there next to each other, in the dark for the rest of the night.

You’ll be glad to know that the wolf was gone in the morning, and we were able to climb down out of the back-breaking trees. Ouch.
Shadow jumped the last foot or so down from the tree, and then winced. He’d forgotten about his wound. He crouched down, ignoring the pain, his boots crunching the loose rocks, his face a shade paler than normal. Shadow skimmed his long fingers across the ground as he studied the wolf tracks.
“He left in the night,” Shadow said through clenched teeth “We’d better get going before he brings back some friends,”
“You okay?” asked Dee,
She’d noticed Shadow’s face, too
Shadow nodded “I’m fine,”
Karma rubbed her back. “Those trees hurt!” she said
“They sure do, I could barely sleep last night,” I said.
I didn’t say that there were a couple of reasons I kept waking up. Because I was worried about Shadow, and wondering if wolves could climb trees. Talk about a stressful night.
Jay stifled a yawn. “Are we gonna leave or what?” he asked
“Mmm, yeah, let’s go,” said Dee.
She stretched her legs out, limbering them up for a run, just incase.
“Hurry,” Shadow urged
I jumped and turned as a flock of birds flew out of a nearby tree. The wings fluttering sounded so unbelievably loud in the quiet morning.
“A little jumpy aren’t you?” Shadow asked me.
I made a face at him. “Aren’t you?”
“Never said I wasn’t,” he answered
I rolled my eyes.
“Hurry up and get ready. We’ve got to leave,” I said
Shadow rolled his eyes back at me. “Well, duh,” he said
And with that we were on our way.

We’d been trudging along for nearly the whole day. It was getting chilly outside. I rubbed my hand over my arms, and then stuck them in my armpits to warm them. I’d given my jacket to Jay about half an hour earlier. He’d been shivering madly. I could feel Shadow’s eyes on me. I ignored him and kept walking. Suddenly, his hand was on my shoulder, and he was slipping his black sweatshirt over my head. I turned, surprised, and smiled at him. He smiled back, which surprised me even more.
“Thanks, but won’t you be cold?” I asked
“Nah, I’ve got a spare in my pack,” he answered.
I smiled again, tugging my hair out from under the sweatshirt.
Shadow just kept going. I just pulled his shirt closer around me.
I had some thinking to do about Shadow.
The sweatshirt was still warm from his body heat. It felt good. I walked up beside Dee. She’d managed to scrounge up a pen from somewhere, and was writing on her hand.
“What’cha doing?” I asked her
“Just calculating,” she muttered
“About what?” I tried
“How to get out of here,” she said simply
“Right,” I said
Dee could come up with great strategies, and we all knew to leave her alone when she was like that. So, I just sighed, and sped up next to Jay. He was looking tiered, and cold, despite my jacket, which was wrapped around his small shoulders.
“You warm enough?” I asked him, ruffling his hair.
“Yeah,” he answered faintly
I was so proud of him. He was trying to be tough, even though we were all cold.
I glanced back to check on Karma, only, Karma wasn’t there.
“Karma!” I yelled
Shadow had been watching his boots, but he looked up abruptly when he heard me yell.
“Do you see her?” I called frantically back to him
He shook his head, and began running down through the trees and underbrush, in the direction we had come from.
“Go with Shadow!” I snapped at Dee, not really caring all that much if I sounded rude.
I grabbed Jay’s forearm, as Dee ran off, and dragged him away in a different direction, to the right. We ran along in a zigzag line, dodging tree branches, for a couple of minutes. Then I heard bird song.
Duh. I could have smacked myself.
“Ask them!” I demanded, coming to a full stop.
Jay looked really scared, but he managed to make a couple of chirpy sounds.
The same kind of sounds answered him.
“They haven’t seen any people, except adults, yet today,” Jay stopped
More twittery sounds.
“The people they saw changed in those bushes over there,” He went on,
I opened my mouth to say that I could care less if some camper had changed his shirt in some bush. Karma was missing! Then, something stopped me cold. Karma came rushing out of the trees ahead of us, with a couple of wolves hot on her tail.

The end. So far. I'm off to continue my editing!

-someone-who's-shattered-her-writer's-block, aka

-Fangslver, aka


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